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“Brain Boosts for New Mamas: Building Baby's Brain While Nurturing Your Own"

Brain Boosts For New Mamas!

Experience the "magic" (aka science) of Brain Boosts For New Mamas! Elevate your postpartum recovery with stress-reducing, baby-friendly sessions - a mix of neuroscience, pilates, and strength training.
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  • Heal from postpartum symptoms with practical, neuroscience-backed training.
  • Reduce stress, recharge your brain, and feel less tired!
  • Deepen your bond with your baby with fun drills that are beneficial for you both!

Brain Boosts For New Mamas!

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Brain Boosts For New Mamas!

  • 30 Bite-Sized Training Sessions Delivered Daily to Your In-Box
  • Healing Tips and Tools from Cutting-Edge Neuroscience
  • Pilates and Strength Training
  • Stress Reduction Exercises
  • And a FREE Explorer Session with Jessica at any time to tailor these drills for your recovery needs!

Brain Boosts For New Mamas!

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Jessica Raaum Foster

Hi, I'm Jessica!

I am a Neuro Performance Coach, a Pilates Instructor... and a mom =).

My professional tools were invaluable for my POSTPARTUM recovery.

Rehab takes time- and as a new mom, that is usually not available. But I knew this rehab had to happen- otherwise the damage to my pelvic floor, abs, and breathing could lead to chronic issues.

I started asking my favorite self-care question: “What CAN I do?” And the answers started coming. I incorporated neuro, pilates, and strength training into bite-sized sessions I could do WITH my baby! And it worked!!! Not only was I getting the rehab I needed, but SHE LOVED IT!

A developing baby and a rehabbing mama actually have overlap in neural needs, making these sessions bonding moments too!

I desperately wanted to share these ideas. When Althea was about 4 months old, I just started filming what we did each day for 30 days and posted it to Facebook with a quick comment. They weren’t “professional”, but they were real, and they had an impact on folks.

My marriage fell apart shortly after these 30 days and so I stopped filming. But I didn’t stop doing the drills. Not only did I make it through the single most stressful period of my life in one piece- I was able to bounce back really well from pregnancy and heal those pelvic floor issues. And my baby blossomed into a curious, active, happy little girl. My results aren’t very scientific, but my mama instinct knows that her precocious movement and cognitive skills were enhanced by the vision, vestibular, and proprioceptive training I did with her from day 1.

These videos have been collecting dust for the last five years. But now, in honor of Mother’s Day 2024, I am finally putting these important tools into the hands of the mamas who need them.


Wow. I am completely in awe and flabbergasted. What Jessica had me doing seemed so bizarre and nonsensical, and yet... after I tried them I could feel muscles in my body that I haven’t felt for YEARS, since serious trauma, and something happened to my nervous system, and suddenly I didn’t have to think about ANYTHING. The things my body has trained to do, it just DID, without me having to consciously tell them. It was like flying. And suddenly energy and emotion was releasing from the traumatized muscles and I couldn’t stop crying. I was crying both from release, and also from excitement over how easy it had been. And it flowed out of me. If she can create that kind of energetic release, and that huge of a change in my nervous system in 15 minutes flat... what could she do over the course of weekly work for a year? I’m exhausted, and feel a kind of hope and excitement that is completely new.

Mindy L.


Jessica helped me mobilize muscles in my pelvic floor that I can only imagine have been numbed and immobilized since I was sexually assaulted in 2010, and further traumatized from a tail bone injury in 2015. She didn’t even have to touch me. Just very simple small motions, and what seemed like a vibrating toothbrush between my teeth (something about a nerve that goes from the ear to the pelvic floor), and I have sensation where I’d forgotten I could have sensation. I have motor control I didn’t know I had once had. And my whole nervous system did something. I don’t know how to describe it other than I felt solid instead of feeling like mist. I felt present in a way I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before. Powerful stuff. And you don’t have to have had trauma for this to be effective. That just happened to be our gateway. If you can get yourself into a session or a class with her, RUN, don’t walk.



Jessica cured my crying-on-the-floor scary back pain during my medically complicated twin pregnancy. I remain baffled by how she did it, but it worked after nothing else had. It was a huge relief!

Bridgette D.


After only 4 months of working with Jessica, my headaches, lightheadedness, and brain fog are gone, I no longer need glasses, and I uncovered the root cause to a 6-year-long chronic illness which has allowed me to start the right treatment. Jessica is compassionate, funny, and very knowledgable. I wish I had found her years ago!

Jordan I.

Brain Boosts For New Mamas!

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